Static Site Generation
Reference project:
Static site generation requires executing tRPC queries inside getStaticProps
on each page.
This can be done using server-side helpers to prefetch the queries, dehydrate them, and pass it to the page. The queries will then automatically pick up the trpcState
and use it as an initial value.
Fetch data in getStaticProps
import { createServerSideHelpers } from '@trpc/react-query/server';import {GetStaticPaths,GetStaticPropsContext,InferGetStaticPropsType,} from 'next';import { prisma } from 'server/context';import { appRouter } from 'server/routers/_app';import superjson from 'superjson';import { trpc } from 'utils/trpc';export async function getStaticProps(context: GetStaticPropsContext<{ id: string }>,) {const helpers = createServerSideHelpers({router: appRouter,ctx: {},transformer: superjson, // optional - adds superjson serialization});const id = context.params?.id as string;// prefetch `post.byId`await{ id });return {props: {trpcState: helpers.dehydrate(),id,},revalidate: 1,};}export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => {const posts = await{select: {id: true,},});return {paths: => ({params: {id:,},})),// 'blocking',};};export default function PostViewPage(props: InferGetStaticPropsType<typeof getStaticProps>,) {const { id } = props;const postQuery ={ id });if (postQuery.status !== 'success') {// won't happen since we're using `fallback: "blocking"`return <>Loading...</>;}const { data } = postQuery;return (<><h1>{data.title}</h1><em>Created {data.createdAt.toLocaleDateString('en-us')}</em><p>{data.text}</p><h2>Raw data:</h2><pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)}</pre></>);}
import { createServerSideHelpers } from '@trpc/react-query/server';import {GetStaticPaths,GetStaticPropsContext,InferGetStaticPropsType,} from 'next';import { prisma } from 'server/context';import { appRouter } from 'server/routers/_app';import superjson from 'superjson';import { trpc } from 'utils/trpc';export async function getStaticProps(context: GetStaticPropsContext<{ id: string }>,) {const helpers = createServerSideHelpers({router: appRouter,ctx: {},transformer: superjson, // optional - adds superjson serialization});const id = context.params?.id as string;// prefetch `post.byId`await{ id });return {props: {trpcState: helpers.dehydrate(),id,},revalidate: 1,};}export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => {const posts = await{select: {id: true,},});return {paths: => ({params: {id:,},})),// 'blocking',};};export default function PostViewPage(props: InferGetStaticPropsType<typeof getStaticProps>,) {const { id } = props;const postQuery ={ id });if (postQuery.status !== 'success') {// won't happen since we're using `fallback: "blocking"`return <>Loading...</>;}const { data } = postQuery;return (<><h1>{data.title}</h1><em>Created {data.createdAt.toLocaleDateString('en-us')}</em><p>{data.text}</p><h2>Raw data:</h2><pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)}</pre></>);}
Note that the default behaviour of react-query
is to refetch the data on the client-side when it mounts, so if you want to only fetch the data via getStaticProps
, you need to set refetchOnMount
and refetchOnWindowFocus
to false
in the query options.
This might be preferable if you want to minimize the number of requests to your API, which might be necessary if you're using a third-party rate-limited API for example.
This can be done per query:
const data = trpc.example.useQuery(// if your query takes no input, make sure that you don't// accidentally pass the query options as the first argumentundefined,{ refetchOnMount: false, refetchOnWindowFocus: false },);
const data = trpc.example.useQuery(// if your query takes no input, make sure that you don't// accidentally pass the query options as the first argumentundefined,{ refetchOnMount: false, refetchOnWindowFocus: false },);
Or globally, if every query across your app should behave the same way:
import { httpBatchLink } from '@trpc/client';import { createTRPCNext } from '@trpc/next';import superjson from 'superjson';import type { AppRouter } from './api/trpc/[trpc]';export const trpc = createTRPCNext<AppRouter>({config(opts) {return {transformer: superjson,links: [httpBatchLink({url: `${getBaseUrl()}/api/trpc`,}),],// Change options globallyqueryClientConfig: {defaultOptions: {queries: {refetchOnMount: false,refetchOnWindowFocus: false,},},},},},});
import { httpBatchLink } from '@trpc/client';import { createTRPCNext } from '@trpc/next';import superjson from 'superjson';import type { AppRouter } from './api/trpc/[trpc]';export const trpc = createTRPCNext<AppRouter>({config(opts) {return {transformer: superjson,links: [httpBatchLink({url: `${getBaseUrl()}/api/trpc`,}),],// Change options globallyqueryClientConfig: {defaultOptions: {queries: {refetchOnMount: false,refetchOnWindowFocus: false,},},},},},});
Be careful with this approach if your app has a mixture of static and dynamic queries.